Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti

Allahu'Avatar Jesus Buddha

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Four Levels of Interpretation

There are four levels of interpretation of scripture and religious teachings in general.

The first level is the literal, or physical, level.

The second level is the psycho-energetic level.

The third level is the noetic, or soul, level.

The fourth is the solar level.

John 14:6: "Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

At the literal, or physical, level, Jesus Christ is stating that to come to the Father, one must literally, physically go 'through' him. Now, how can one go 'through' another person? Does it mean that one must somehow 'meet-and-encounter' Jesus Christ before coming to the Father? Such questions lead us to the other levels of interpretation.

At the psycho-energetic level, John 14:6 means that no one comes to the Father except through adopting the psychological and behavioral practices taught by Jesus Christ. That is, one's psychology and energy must take the way of compassion and wisdom; that one's concept of truth and life must be one centered on loving one's neighbor and loving God, as Jesus Christ suggested.

At the noetic, or soul, level, John 14:6 takes a more radical turn. Just to take one example, let's look at "I am the way". The "I" that Jesus Christ speaks of, is the "I" of each human being, ultimately. For those who have ears to hear, when Jesus Christ speaks of "I am the way", a noetic level of interpretation would interpret this to mean that for each of us, the "I" is the way to the Father. That is, no one can take this path for us. Only "I" can do it.

And finally, the solar level of interpretation. The solar level is the most challenging. "No one comes to the Father except through me." At the solar level, this statement indicates that when the Father is found, there is "no one" who has found the Father. The Father is One, and in His Presence there is only One. There is "no one" else there.

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