Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti

Allahu'Avatar Jesus Buddha

Sunday, October 21, 2012

21 October 2012 Sri Sri Durga Puja

"Swans fly on the path of the sun; men pass through the air by psychic powers; the wise are led away from the world after vanquishing Mara and his host" (Dhammapada 175).

"The moment we learn to be humble we begin to feel His grace" (Narada's Way of Divine Love, 72).

"Then a wind went out from the LORD, and it brought quails from the sea and let them fall beside the camp, about a day's journey on this side and a day's journey on the other side, all around the camp, about two cubits deep on the ground" (Numbers 11:31).

"Aum, beloved Śakti of Śiva, Fullness everlasting and fully manifest as this food; O, Mother of the universe, nourish us with this gift of food so that we may attain knowledge, dispassion and spiritual perfection" (Loving Ganeśa, 200).

"Yogaswami: 'You are in me.' Robert: 'You are in me.' Yogaswami: 'I am in you.' Robert: 'I am in you.' The devotees present were astounded. No one  had ever talked in such a way with Yogaswami since the days of Chellappaguru" (The Guru Chronicles, 416).

"But that's the way of the Gospel, the way of the saints. You begin to pray with tears and pain for the good of the other. You pray in such a way that gradually Grace may visit and soften the heart of the other person by bringing clarity and understanding to his mind" (Inner River, 106).

"Do not be dejected. You have got immeasurable strength and power within. There is a glorious future awaiting you. Face all difficulties with a smile. Pain is the real eye-opener and real guide. God is putting you to this severe test to make you more strong and more powerful. Understand this secret well. Never be despondent. Ever laugh, jump, whistle and smile" (Sadhana, 686-687).

"Some look at It [the Self] with wonder" (The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. 1, 462).

"Even when not in samadhi, he remained in a state of ecstasy" (Sri Sri Ramakrishna Kathamrita, Vol. 1, 8).

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